The No-Code platform for medical workflows

Shows an Apple Mac displaying multiple views of the dotbase interface.

Build, own and run your with our customizable apps for medical staff and patients.

about dotbase

For physicians, patients and hospitals

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    Manage your patients and keep track of tasks, appointments and appointments in your team.

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    Document and manage findings and connect to records from your existing HIS when needed.

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    Enter both simple and complex data in structured form. The data is then aggregated and visualized to support decision-making.

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    Our app enables patients to actively participate in monitoring and documentation with PROs. In addition, patients also receive direct insights into the course of their condition.

about dotbase

Easy setup – precision data

about dotbase

Use cases

dotbase is currently used in outpatient and inpatient settings as well as for remote monitoring. Due to No-Code adaptability of the database by users themselves, there is already a wide spectrum of use cases. And we have more on our roadmap...
  • Shows an illustration of a medical doctor in front of a laptop talking to a patient.

    Documentation for outpatient and inpatient care

  • Shows an illustration of a patient using their smartphone to answer a questionnaire and sending it to dotbase.

    Remote monitoring, PROs and clinical studies

  • Shows an illustration of a surgent during a surgery using dotbase on a smartphone.

    Task management and treatment pathways

  • Shows an illustration of three researchers in front of their laptops exporting different data from dotbase.

    Support for clinical decisions and data export

Use dotbase


If you still have questions, take a look at our FAQs. For more information on how dotbase works, how to build medical content or export data for research check our docs. Also our Github can be a good place to start for developers.